just finished watching this drama.
hero dia tersangat adorable & hensem. heroin pun cun & sweet. yg bagus nya ini drama coz ramai karakter & logik. YES, LOGIC. macam real life la and tak tooo dramatic or toooo romantic. romantic memang romantic tapi takde la jiwang karat meleleh leleh. I LIKE IT. plus, the storyline is not too bored & not too common. one of a kind & the scene are all well filmed. i'm not too excited about this drama BUT that doesn't mean that it's bored or etc. to me, it's just OK. tapi best. pretty cool drama.
some of the scene. screen caps lol! enjoy~
effect of the boredom!
i like this.hyun bin hensem <33
ooo yeah! hensemmmm gilaaa kan :D
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