a. going to UiTM Arau, Perlis this friday. register @ saturday. yeah, under kos science quantitative.
and i was like:

b. tadi petang buat majlis doa selamat & baca Yasin. most of my family belah arwah abah datang. bawak potluck, manyak gilaaaa foood. time kemas rumah the house seems big enough but when people start coming and eating, it looks so darn sempit. hoh whut happen? anyway, everything goes well. really appreciate kat semua yg datang :)

c. pakcik & makcik sedara, even cousin ada la yg baik hati hulur $$$ but the most ever memorable one is when my grandma bagi duit time kat kampung haritu. she handed me RM5 ringgit and said:
"nah lah.. lima inggit je.. boleh laa beli aiskrim..".ok, only RM5 tapi rasa macam tersangat happy kot cause senyuman wan sangat ikhlas and cute. even 5 inggit pun, feels like.....bersyukur gila. hahaha
d. see that big fatty grey up there? yeah, that's my cat & she's expecting. maybe more than 1. i hope the baby cat will be cute & colourful lol :D

e. haritu watch Tangled kat kampung @ my sis' laptop. SERIOUSLY IN LOVE WITH THE HERO WEY! extremely handsome and charming (eventhough bukan prince!) now that's my type! hehe :D
g. my phone sucks! been using this nokia 7610 supernova since form 3. so it's been......2 years and a half now. what a record. lama jugak tuhh. so i was hoping i can have new one before going to perlis. please?

h. where's f? hahahahaha
that's it for now :)
1 comment:
haluuuu makcikkkk ;)
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