Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Typical life

I see everyone is having their "normal" kind of life.
Like getting a temporary job, hanging out with friends, going here & there, meeting this & them, having that & those, seeing stuff & some

and........... Me?

I'm doing nothing.

I'm at home. Doing nothing.

If you're wondering, yes, I am doing nothing. That NOTHING.

Lazing around. Gaining weight mindlessly. Growing up. Growing old.

Watching dramas, movies, tv shows, etc
Feeding the cats & helping my emak with the chores
Trying to sleep less & waking up early
Wondering what to do tomorrow
Texting friends yg sepatutnya
Planning for things that sounds like..... "Never mind"
Online stuff, social networking where I'm always invisible

Mostly, finding myself.

Mana aku nak pergi?
Ape aku nak buat?
Bila nak start doing something?

Bitch, life is not that hard. It's rumit. Manusia memang rumit.

Entahlah. Maybe aku yang tak nak apa-apa kot.
I don't want everything.
I just wanna live :)

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