No bitches i'm not selling anything. Or even promoting. God, no. But idk, recently (more like these past three months), i figured i found myself a new hobby.
Window-shopping on the line. Hahaha.
Ok, online la. Apa kau ni. On instagram to be exact.
So bila bosan2, takde siapa comment gambar aku, takde banyak like diterima (since i xfamous mcm uols) and of course, aku takde anak comel nak post gambar (or spam gambar), or whenever i am sick of stalking people & seeing through their shits, i turned to window-shopping.
Which is just a click away! Yay internet!
Ok sorry over.
So i'm lovin' the hashtag #sayajual. Or you could just search away whatever u're looking for ex: sayajualbeg, sayajualshawl, etc
Keluar lah berjela instashop weh
And whenever i got bored, or sick of doing whatever as mentioned above, or too lazy to move around the house, i go there.
There, at the explore tag of #sayajual u can really cuci mata. Hahaha.
And kadang2 tekan gambar tu. Tgk baju tu. Tgk harga beg tu. And i was like "kepala dia, mahal gila" and sometimes jumpa baju lawa gila dgn promosi nya gebang gila tp harga siot and most of the times i was like "you've gotta be kidding me" and i was wondering bapak banyak masa korang berniaga online.
And wth bapak banyak masa aku men-stalk instashop. Hahaha back at ya, dude. Whatev.
The point is--- i learned a lot though. Caya tak nyah?
U see, window-shopping online is not so bad. Bila kau keluar shopping afterwards/later kau baru tahu nilai sebenar barang2 dalam dunia ni.
Ada kedai tu jual tshirt hitam plain je pon ada la corak sikit kat lehernya and guess how much? Rm75! Postage rm10.
Kepala ayam dia la weh. Tshirt tu import mana queen england tolong jahit ke apa.
You see?
And i saw various shops selling the exact same products. Kasut tu jugak dorg jual. Baju lagu tu jgk dorg jual. Xde yg menarik. *Ok kdg2 ada gak yg cantik but aku baru beli baju sekali je kat instagram k*
Again, my point is, KEEP LOOKING. And always go for promotion. Bukan sebab kau miskin, LOL, i am poor too tho, cause selama ni i hidup di bawah naungan umi ku. Miskin ke kaya ke, i'm sure there are things u can afford. But hey, kau nak bayar rm85 ke utk tshirt hitam yg boleh dpt rm10? Be smart.
Just cause artist tu pakai & promote (dorg promote bukan ikhlas pun, dorg dibayar wey) & artist tu pun bukan artist sgt pun mostly femes sebab lawa/physical attraction (dont get fooled) and sometimes product tu KAU TAK PERLUKANNYA PUN wahai sayangku. So dont bother. Kenapa kau sibuk sgt?
Contoh aaaa. Monopod. Lol. Well, my thought is, ok je kalau kau beli. X dosa pun weh. But fer meh its okay apa kalau mintak org tlg amek kan gambar. Bersosial sikit. Kau tu dah lah asyik tgk henpon 24/7 jam, gila.
Anyway. Up until this day, i still managed to persuade myself not to buy anything. Yela dah la xde duit, asyik pinjam duit kakak je lol pardon me but i have stopped, now that i got everything i need. (Kita tgk la raya nanti camana hahaha freak)
If u bother to know, sejak dua menjak pandai online shopping, i have bought:
-wideshawls (beli ngan kwn) @pemborongshawl / xingat sgt nama ig dia
-printed shawls (mom bayau kan weehoo) @miencollection
-baju knit (join beli w kwn & menyesal beli) @ website jual baju *bukan kat ig rasanya
-sweater & blouses (for my sis, mom & me & pana bayar) @ ig preloved something etc
-shawls (again! I know tp time ni promotion 1 rm9 lol) @orkidcouture *twice beli sini but both times were on special sale!!*
-casing phone (not yet arrived but hey ini satu miracle because htc susah gila nak jumpa casing nya ya buk) @thenaddys
-bokitta voila basic maxi (pana bayarkan juga tq muah and ini pengaruh dr.halina but sokay cause i'm wearing it yaw) @bokitta_pinfreehijab
Tu je kot. Banyak gak an. Eh ada gak. Gelang2 bagai. Tp tu semua tumpang beli w friends/cousin *BUKAN BELI SENDIRI* and by that, it means, bukan i yg pergi bayar/ws org tu. Haha
All and all in all, shopping, whenever or wherever or however it is done, it gives such a rush! And yeah such a guilty pleasure too. But again, just make sure it's worth it ok? Yela. Lagi2 online kan.
Kita lain. Taste lain. Income lain. Badan lain. Pakai lain2.
Up to u dudes! I may sounds like i care but please la wey, it's YOUR LIFE. YOUR MONEY. YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY.
Dan mungkin, sebagai cadangan, apa kata list dulu kepentingan membeli barang itu, list dulu faedahnya, list dulu keburukannya & buat karangan dlm otak dulu, bersama isi penting semua & then, baru decide nak beli ke x barang tersebut. Ada baiknya. Well.. mungkin.
Be smart! Stay cool!
Thanks for reading! Laf ya!
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