Tuesday, April 3, 2012


You know when they say habis sem mesti gembira kan. Yelah cuti 2 bulan lebih woi. Boleh keje, partaaaaay. Tapi sadis sikitlaa I tell u.


First, time final haritu memang wa cakap lu, agak susah ah. ESPECIALLY akaun. Heh. Hope pass. Tu jeh. Other papers ok la not bad, it's not like aku boleh buat je, bukan.. Banyak je idea menghantam. I just don't worry about it. It's a freaking exam that test your ability. Your level of learning. So what fail pun. Repeat la. Ape susah. Lol :D

Second, sedih. Sebab sem 2 ni jumpa ramai senior part 6 yg ohsem. Kak Raja, Kak Tini, Kak Nor, Kak Jijah, etc. Time final exam baru dapat berapat2 secara rapat dengan akak roommates. Lepas ni dah tak dapat jumpa dah. I wish nothing but the best for alll of them. Akak2 yang ohsem, yang selalu melawak & selalu tanya kalau nak kirim apa2, that's sweet enough for me & I sincerely like them all ;)

Third, cuti 2 bulan nie seriously clueless. Nak keja kah? Nak sambung lesen kah? Kalau fail agi cane? Biaq pi lah. Setakat ni dah habis 200 repeat test jpj. Ape yg susah sangat bukit tuhhh?????? Shit. But whatever. Sok kene call metro. Aku kena pass. Coz ada cousin yg dah dapat P yg berlagak kan mwahahahaha. Bitch. LOL

All in all, penghujung karangan, lol, I have nooooooooooooooooooooooo idea what to do for the upcoming April & May.


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