Friday, November 16, 2012

I'm so lazy......

Assalammualaikum :)

So here's a crap.

What i'm about to post is a total crap. A total shit. A truly true effing bull-2-the-shit. So, don't ever attempt whatever it is that you're goin to read. Leave while you can. Go facebook-ing or twittering or something. Hehe


I know i'm a lazy human being.
I know that.
I know i've got so many things about me that i have to change.
I know that long time ago.
I know i have a lot of bad habits.
I know i have to change that too.
I know that all i gotta do is "GO FOR IT!"
But.... Of course.
I am as f***-ing lazy as a person could ever be.

I'm so lazy, i don't oftenly help my mummy.
I'm so lazy, i don't bother what's goin on with my buddies.
I'm so lazy, i copied & paste :p
I'm so laz.... Bye

Laziness level: maximum.
It's gonna take me days to finish this. Oh well.
Adios u non-lazy ass!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lazily loving my lazy life

Oh assalammualaikum :)

Yup. I'm loving life right now.

Gain a few pounds, ah who cares, as long as i'm maintaining good health, i'm great :)

In exactly 18 days from now, i'll be in arau again. Sigh, yeaaaah, lazy mode like...forever on.

So...that is all i guess. And certain bitches are meant to be called bitches! Because they are! Astaghfirullahhalazzim.... -.-

Sometimes being adults doesnt mean you can have it all, right? Just because u just turn 18, u expect u can do anything? No. U need to realize it's a hard world out there & u may hate ur parents now but remember, they will always be the two persons u needed the most.

Ok that's it.

It's a new year in Islam, let's change for the better, and let's be wiser!

Reflect before u act.
Don't repeat the same sin.
Think ahead before making the wrong step.
Regret now, cause regretting later is much more painful.

Ok bye assalammualaikum ;)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Cuti iz boh-san

Assalammualaikum :)

For me la, cuti kan, boring. Y? Sebab kawan jauh, yg dekat pun dah jauh, yg x jauh pun ada tapi x rapat. Yg rapat pulak x dekat, so.... Heh.

Plus, ummi kerja weekdays, weekend pulak kemas2 rumah, kadang2 la maybe akan keluar, ayamas pulak sekolah, kalau dia ponteng pun, bangun lambat, bila dah bangun pi online, so bored.

And meow meow plak siang2 pergi berburu, x pun tido, x pun hilang pi mana ntah. So that's it. Sad right? Memang menyedihkan.

But hellooooo, please, I'm not gonna die over this sad stuff. My opinion is, find the beauty in an ugly situation. But how? I don't know, find a way.

But Mimi's here, staying over to work at Guardian. I got company. and ayamas is facing her SPM. like wallahhh, padan muka. muahahaha.

And suddenly the internet is rosak, damaged, gone with the wind and urgh, frustrated much. No internet means no life for meh. Whateber.

Still, like i mentioned before, finding the beauty in ugliness, it's a working progress for me, and i'm still looking for it.


{{ tumblr as always and forever.

Nobody cares but who does?

So, for all Diploma-cians in UiTM, results are announced.

Did i say that right? Oh who cares.

So my results for the 3rd sem is maintain. 3.7 *big smile
3.76, 3.74, and recently i got 3.73

*my mom got pissed coz it's decreasing, but who cares, again, it's still alright.

Of course, showing off is forbidden but I am quite speechless myself.

Trust me, i didn't study much or do revision everyday, or do special-long-notes whatever. I didn't.

I just go with the flow. Do what you know. Understand what you can, and Learn whatever is there.

Understand the whole concept & you're good.

*sorry if i sound like an expert-wannabe but sorry, i'm just giving tips.

Ok tata my dear readers. if there are any.


{ picture from Tumblr }


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hell on earth

I hate kitchen. Oven. It burns.
I hate cooking. The heat. Pannasss.
I hate fats. Gemuk.
Complain much.
Tadi ter-melecur sebab nak masukkan bekas dalam oven. Gile ouch.
Heh. Still burning..
Whatever. Will update again tomorrow. InsyaAllah :)
Esok result. Hopefully, Allah rewards me equally to my hard work. Well, so-called hard work. Hoho.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

it's a free country but think before you speak.


source: Tumblr

Blogger apps for android kunda sucks but oh whatever.


Well, it's a good thing that you are trying, but... Sebelum apa2, make sure kau bagus. Make sure you're good at it.

Aku rasa lagi cool kau post/tweet honestly.

Kot ye pun nak ber-english, take a baby step la.

Mula2 guna a few english words dulu, then rojak2 dulu ke, eventually, your english will improve. Lama2 nanti expert ah. Gua pun x expert sangat so i highly recommended we all belajar sampai bagus dulu before nak membebel in english.

Ada terjumpa satu blog tu, bagus la berbahasa inggeris tapi sayang, english hancur yg sangat hancur macam kalau kau baca, memang obvious sangat kehancuran bahasa tu sampai kau rasa macam nak tampar je blog tu pastu rase nak marah diri sebab sapa suruh hang baca!

Agh whatever.

My point here, jgn terasa tapi tolonglah tersedar ye kpd sesiapa yg tahu diri tu TAK PANDAI BERBAHASA INGGERIS, tolonglah, jgn paksa diri. Belajaq dulu, biasakan dulu. Try sikit2 dulu, jgn terus hantam 5-6 ayat hang tweet, suma english, kalau betui xpa, kalau salah wat malu muka jaa.

Belajar pun ada cara. Ikhlas.
Bukan semata-mata nak tunjuk kat orang yg hang terer b.i.
Who cares, makcik? Nobody.

Dan tak perlulah anda rasa terancam bile ada org lagi terer ber-english. Jelos sgt sampai awak pun sibuk nak ber-english sampai ayat porak peranda, lagi buat pembaca sakit jiwa.

Again. You should know, honesty is the ultimate COOL-NESS.

Kalau nak ber-b.i, cakap apa yg kau tahu dulu.
Bila dah tahu semua, baru cakap apa yg kau nak.
Lek lu. Bahasa ibunda lagi senang kan, cakap melayu sudahlah.

Bahasa inggeris kan susah sikit (sikit la), grammar la, etc, senang ja bagi yg dah mula dari kecik. Bila dah tua bangka baru nak start, tu yg ayat mcm nak kene cekik tu. Tapi xpa, it's never too late. Di mana ada jalan, di situ ada kemahuan. K terbalik. Di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan. If there's a will, there's a way.

Lastly, kpd para beginner yg sedar diri x hebat english tu, tolongla sedar level awak tu kat mana. Baru tau ayat sikit, dah poyo. Kita belajar bila dah faham, so bila dah ok, try la buat ayat2 simple dulu, wat lek je. Jgn terus buat ayat bajet teror mcm hang tu org putih. Lols

Papepun, baguihla kita semua ada semangat nak ber-english. Rajin2lah tengok Oh My English. Baca banyak2 material english. Take a baby step. Chill suda.

Bagi students universiti, english tu penting, so starts now!

I wrote this late at night.
Because i am easily pissed late at night. Hoh.

Kbye. Please terasa. AAK.
Yela. Aku jahat. Melayu ni typical la, cakap baik2 x paham, cakap keji baru sedar. LOLS.
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